
Monday, January 19, 2015


I and my husband were born to the Families that prepare Pohe every other day.When it comes for brakefast or Family function,the very first thing come in mind is POHE.Not only that,Pohe has its own history and importance when comes to arranging marriages.Yes!!!!Couples used to say,sepecially,elderly, "Aamcha Pohyacha Kaaryakram jhaala tevha."(This is in Marathi Language) which literally means "When we(my and my spouse's family) had program of eating Pohe together".This is to indicate that the person when he/she first met his/her spouse.Of course along with Families as it mostly used to be arranged marriage and Pohe was a fixed and authentic menu in that case.Ask any Maharashtrian family,you will get to hear this.Now,I do not think there anything left to know about how important is Pohe in ou lives!!!
 Just like them,we too love Pohe from bottom of our hearts.No matter what Cuisine we eat,eating Pohe has its own importance in our life.Ans so is the case for many many people.
          Now,it is needless to say that most of us try to have a good balanced diet and Rice and it's products are big no no.But having eaten a food since childhood and which very dear not only to tongue but soul,it becomes really really hard to give up all of a sudden.I would say,we remain in denial stage in that case.And same thing happens with me and my husband.
          So this is my small effort to help ourselves and you all keep the balance in diet and yet satisfy out taste buds and make our soul delighted.
          I have used ONE CUP of Pohe which can be easily prepared for 4 people and yet will have the same satisfaction as regular portion of Pohe.
          Also, I would like say one thing here,POHA is technically right word but when it is single grain.So POHE is appropriate.Just like CHANAA and CHANE :D


  1. Thick Pohe -  1 Cup
  2. OIl - 3 Tbsp
  3. Medium Size Onion - 1,Chopped
  4. Bell Pepper or Capsicum - 1,Chopped
  5. Mashrooms - 10, Chopped
  6. TADKA - Mustard Seeds (raai),Cumin Seedss(Jeera), and Tumeric Powder(Haldi) 1 Tsp each and Asafoetida,1/2 Tsp
  7. Peanuts
  8. Sugar - 1 Tsp (Optional)
  9. Salt for Taste
  10. Lime Juice - 1 Tbsp
  11. GARNISHING - Coconut,14 Cup and Cilantro,chopped,Shev or Bhujia
  • SOAKING POHE - In a Colander, wash pohe gently and keep aside to let water drain out.Do this after you add vegitables in oil, so that Pohe wont be too soggy.Do not ever do it in the first place.
  • In a shallow pan or Kadhai,add Oil and let it heat on medium flame.
  • To that add Raai,Jeera and Peanuts.After they are fried well, add the vegetables and Sauté for around 1 minute make sure the oil is mixed well.
  • Now add Asafoetida or Hing,Turmeric Powder and Salt to the vegetables.This way we can avoid burning of Hing and Turmeric .Now sauté again very well until smell aroma of Hing and Haldi.
  • Keep stirring Vegetables until they are fried or cooked well.You can somky and crunchy texture when you don't use the lid.If you want Vegetables just like cooked and soft,you can cover with lid.
  • After Vegetables are cooked,make flame the slow.Here comes the important part.I have seen many people who do this mistake.They simply add soaked Pohe to Tadka which results in lumps.He re is how you do it - by now water is all drained out.loosen the pohe gently with hands.They should literally dance when you toss them,that when they are good to go in tadka.This makes nice fluffy Pohe.
  • Add Pohe to Vegetables,add Sugar and Lime juice and mix well very gentlly.Now bring the flame to medium and keep string for 2 to3 minutes.
  • Close the lid and let all of it cook for3 to 5 minutes on low flame.
  • Garnish with Coconut,Cilantro and Bhujia while serving and piece of Lime
  • You can add all your favorite Vegetables.Boiled Potatoes make it 'Batata Pohe'
  • I do not like Tomatoes in Pohe hence I used Lime juice.You can always add Toamtoes.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Vrat ki Aloo Jeera Sabji |Upaasachi Jeera Batatyachi Bhaaji |उपासाची जीरं बटाट्याची भाजी |Cumin and Potato Sabji for Fast

There are so many occasions we observe fast.Making heavy food is not a good idea but we end up with them without any choice left.We end up consuming double the calories of what we consume on a regular day.Day is ended with guilt in mind instead of contentment and happiness.

That is why I tend to try making healthy,easy and quick recipes that make me happy.It makes me happier when I share with you all.Let us start :D

Time : 10 Minutes (Boiling time for Potatoes excluded)
Serving : 2 People

  1. 8 to 10 Baby Potatoes or 2 big size Potatoes (I have used baby Potatoes).Make chunks as you like.
  2. Ghee or Clarified Butter - 1 Tbsp
  3. Green chilli - 2,chopped
  4. Cumin Seeds or Jeera - 1 Tbsp
  5. Lime Juice - 2 Tbsp
  6. Sugar - 1 Tbsp (Optional)
  7. Dates - 3 to 4 ,chopped
  8. Salt or Sendha Salt for Taste
  9. Dry or Fresh coconut,grated - 1/4 Tbsp
  10. Coriander or Cilantro - 1/4 cup (Chopped)
  • In a shallow pan,add Ghee and let it heat on medium flame
  • Now add Jeera or Cumin seeds and let them fry properly.We do not want raw smell and texture but nice crunch.
  • After Jeera is fried well add Chilli and Salt.
  • Now, add boiled Popatoes,Sugar and Lime juice and start sauteing.Sauté until Potatoes start developing golden brown color and become crisp.
  • Add grated coconut and Dates.Mix well and put the flame off
  • Garnish with Cilantro while serving.
  •  Validity of ingredients for fast changes from person to person.You can add or take out the ingredients accordingly.
  • You can sprinkle grated coconut along with Cilantro as well.
  • Make sure Jeera or Cumin seeds are not uncooked.That really spoils everything.

Thursday, January 15, 2015


This is a very convenient way to make kids and those who hate Spinach eat Spinach.Very easy,simple and healthy with minimum ingredients.Ideal in winters,lazy weekends.

Time : 15 minutes (Time needed to cook rice is not included)
Serving - 2 to 3 People ideally but I am not responsible if your loved one eats all because he/she might fall in love with it :D

  1. Uncooked Rice - 1 Cup
  2. Raw Spinach/Palak Purée - 2 Cup (Has to be thick like ketchup)
  3. Gralic minced or crushed - 2 Tsp
  4. Crushed Pepper - 1/2 TSP (I have used moderate amount considering kids )
  5. Cashews - 8 to 10 cut in to half or as you like (I did not use them),OPTIONAL
  6. Salt for Taste
  7. Oil - 3 Tbsp
  •  COOKING RICE : It is up to you to decide the texture of rice depending upon who is going to eat (Like kids or elderly person or you are making it for party).How I did is, washed the rice,added 1 Tbsp olive oli,and mixed well.Then I added 2 cups of water and cooked in Rice Cooker.
  • Let cooked rice cool down.By that time,we can prepare the Palak Purée.
  • Make the raw Palak Purée in blender.It should not be too watery.
  • In a shallow pan, add 2 Tbsp of Oil.To that add Garlic,Salt and Purée.Mix it well and close the lid.
  • Keep it on medium flame.Let it cook.At the same time water starts evaporating making Purée thick as you see in the picture below.
  • To that add Pepper and transfer the rice.Now,keep the flame low.
  • Star mixing Rice and Purée gently.It takes little time and patience.Make sure Palak spread evenly everywhere.
  • Again close the lid and let it cook for 5 - 10 minutes on low flame.This allows the aroma to blend in rice and make it perfect.
  • Serve hot.It tastes nice as it is but you can eat with any gravy or ghee.
  • Do not use narrow pan.Use the shallow one so that it will be easier to mix.
  • You can change the quantity of Paalak and Pepper according to your taste.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


No Syrup,no roasting but yet delicious Tilgul Vadi without any mess.

Time : 20 minutes
Servings : Makes around 20 Vadi or bars

  1. Raw Sesame seeds - 1/2 Cup
  2. Jaggery (Finely powdered) - 1 Cup
  3. Dry grated coconut - 1/3 Cup
  4. Ghee or Clarified butter - 3 Tbsp

  • Grind the sesame seeds in grinder.make it fine the quantity becomes almost one cup after grinding.
  • In a plate take Sesame powder,Jaggery,Dry coconut and Ghee as shown in picture.
  • Now mix it well.Very well.Make sure that all the ingredients are mixed and spread evenly.
  • Keep this plate in Microwave for 30 seconds to let the Ghee melt.Now that you have already mixed the ghee,it is evenly spread through out the mixture.
  • As shown in photo below,keep the foil ready.Spread the mixture evenly with greased rolling pat it properly at the corners with hands.
  • Now quickly make the bars as shown in picture.Do it before it cools down or it becomes difficult to  achieve the required shape and texture.
  • sprinkle some more coconut powder and let it cool down completely.
  • Jhatapat Tilgul vadi is all set to be served
  • Use Microwave safe plate.If you feel more ghee is needed,add as needed and keep in microwave for another 30 seconds.
  • It tastes even better if the mixture is well crushed with pestle.(add Ghee later)

Thursday, January 8, 2015

TeelGul Laadu |तीळगूळाचे लडु |ಎಳ್ಳುಬೆಲ್ಲ using MicroWave

'Sesame Jaggery' balls or Laddu in HIndi.This is prepared during the festival of 'Makar Sankranti' also know as 'Makara Sankramana'.This is mainly worshipping 'SUN'.This festival is celebrated with different tradition all over India.In Maharashtra and Karnataka, this Teelgul (Marathi) or Ellubella(Kannada) is prepared.

I have tried to simplify the method keeping 'beginners' in mind.I have made Jaggery Syrup in Microwave.
Time required : 60 minutes
Servings :  12 to 15 balls depending on size.

Selecting Jaggery :Do not use the hard one or the one comes in cubes.that is not meant for melting.Also it will be as hard as it was after the syrup cools down.Use the soft version,famously knows as 'chikki cha gul (Meaning : Jaggery for making Chikki).
     In USA, I was lucky enough to get powdered soft jaggery which you will see in photo below.Soft jaggery is easy to cut or mash.

  1. JAGGERY(Finely mashed or powdered) - 2/3 Cup
  2. Roasted Sesame seeds (I roasted at can get in the market as well) - 1 Cup
  3. Ghee or Clarified butter - 1/2 cup (You might not need all of it.  
  4. Dry coconut powder   2 Tb Spoon.I have colored it with edible color.You can use color of your choice or simply keep as it is.If you use colored coconut powder, atleast 1 Tbsp for each color.
Prerequisites :
  1. A microwave safe bowl, greased generously with ghee.
  2. A plate,greased with Ghee to keep the balls
  3. Some water in a bowl. 
  4. Greases laddle
  • In the greased bowl transfer the jaggery.Keep it for "Express cook" that is on high wattage for 7 to 8 minute in total.I suggest divide these minutes into two or 3 parts in order to avoid burning of jagery.
  • You will get the jaggery syrup as you see in the picture.
  • To that add the roasted Sesame seed and mix well with laddle.This should be done little quick because jaggery starts to cool down becoming solid again.
  • Now grease yout hands with ghee, then wet with water and start making Laadu or Laddu of around 1 inch size.
  • A soon as the ball is ready, dip into dry coconut powder and keep in the plate that is already greased.Repeat this for every Ball
  • Teelgul Laadu are ready to serve. 


  • I suggest ceramic bowl for Microwave.
  • Dip each ball into coconut powder as soon as it is ready because once cooled down,coconut may not stick properly.
  • I have added Sesame seeds 1 cup because I like its aroma.If you want, you can reduce the quanity.
  • Do not add all of sesame seeds at a time.Do it in little parts to avoid the total mess and that way seeds will be spread evenly in Jagggery syrup.