
Wednesday, January 22, 2014


Peanuts are used almost over India.But in Maharashtra specially, the roasted peanut powder is a must ingredient in daily meals.This is used in most of preparations of 'Bhaaji'.'Sabudana Khichadi' cannot be thought without roasted peanut powder.Other than this. it is used for preparations of 'Chutneys', 'Raita' etc.

All in all, It has to be always readily available at home.But roasting the peanuts has never been an easy task.I have seen my mother used to roast them in the pan which was to be kept on flames.Or there used to be commercial oven shops called 'Bhatti' from where one could buy them.But,store bought roasted peanuts contained 'sand grains' as the pan that was used to roast was kept on the hot sand and sand was obviously mixed.So,cleaning the peanuts was really difficult and time consuming.

May be the life style has changed but not the taste buds.With the tight schedule, it is really difficult to give time for such things.Thankfully, we have Microwave ovens now and this has made our life pretty easier.It takes just 3 minutes to roast certain amount of peanuts that too wihtout changing taste and texture.

Let us see, how it can be done.
Ingredients :

Peanuts - 1 Cup

Steps :

  • Take a Microwave safe Plate (Of around 10 inch Diameter).
  • Spread the peanuts on the plate as shown in the photo.
  • Keep the center part empty.Because,peanuts kept in the center get totally burnt.They just turn black.
  • Now, keep the plate inside the microwave and heat for 2 minutes and 30 seconds(Do this by pressing the '30 seconds' buttons 5 times which is there for just heating').
  • This much of heat is enough to roast them.
  • Take out and let it cool down.They become crunchy after cooling down.
  • Now the peanuts are ready to be powdered
  • If you want, you can take out the skin as it becomes easy after roasting.
  • Depending upon your Microwave wattage, timing may slightly vary.

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